TWT's success with SecuriSync and beyond


Calgary, Alberta Canada, has a rich history. It is the fourth largest city in Canada and was the site of the Winter Olympics in 1988, a first for Canada. It is the home of the Calgary Stampede, an annual rodeo and festival, which is billed as the "greatest outdoor show on earth" and attracts over a million visitors a year. And, it is also the home to the TWT Group, Inc., a small but fast growing, "born in the cloud," managed services and cloud services provider. Almost fifty percent of the company’s business results directly or indirectly from its ability to deliver a full suite of cloud services.


Company Profile:
TWT Group, Inc. is a small but fast growing, “born in the cloud,” managed services and cloud services provider.

Industry: Managed Service Provider

Headquarters: Calgary, Alberta Canada

Intermedia’s customer since: 2010

The Challenge

Shawn Freeman, part of an entrepreneurial team of ex-corporate IT managers, is responsible for driving the success of the TWT Group. The core principal of their business is helping small and medium-sized businesses achieve strategic and operational IT maturity. "IT services shouldn’t be about putting out fires," Freeman commented. "It should be about reliability and stability and helping companies get business value from their IT investment."

Freeman knew that being able to deliver cloud services to their SMB customers would be fundamental to their success, so shortly after founding the company, they began evaluating potential cloud partners. In 2010 they selected Intermedia because, as Shawn said, "Intermedia is a well-established company that has a history of delivering feature rich solutions and the high service levels our clients expected."

The Solution

Today, TWT delivers a full suite of cloud services including Exchange Email, Cloud PBX phone services, Cloud Server and SecuriSync file sync and share. Although TWT delivers and supports on premise infrastructure solutions, more of their clients are realizing that cloud solutions deliver the flexibility, reliability and mobility they need to be successful in today's world.

Collaboration is becoming the critical component that fuels business productivity and that's what SecuriSync is all about.

SHAWN FREEMAN, Partner & Manager of Operations, TWT Group, Inc.,

Products They Use

The Results

Earlier this month, we spoke with Shawn, specifically interested in learning about why TWT was adopting Intermedia's new SecuriSync file sync and share services.

Shawn, who handles day-to-day operations, told us, "Collaboration is becoming the critical component that fuels business productivity and that's what SecuriSync is all about." He went on to explain that when TWT works with a client, the goal is to take a strategic perspective to help them extract as much business value from their IT investment as they can. "Enterprise quality solutions like SecuriSync deliver a lot of value to small and medium-sized businesses."

When asked specifically what made SecuriSync so attractive to his client base, he said, "It's a pretty long list; SecuriSync is one of the most feature rich solutions of its type on the market. But, if I have to pick just a couple of the things that I think are the most important, I would have to say, security and mobility. Security, from two perspectives—first the data. Your files are encrypted both at rest and in-transit. It's a solution that protects the company and its customers from the bad guys. You can also strictly control who has access to what files. Secondly, you know your files are always backed up and you have the ability to manage various file versions."

Commenting on mobility, Shawn said, "Collaboration fuels productivity and mobility, having access to any file from any device really fuels collaboration. It's really one of the great value propositions of the solution. Oh, by the way, I forgot affordability. The cost versus value received is really great."

Shawn talked about how SecuriSync integrated with Outlook and other Microsoft applications and how the product fit really well into their overall business cloud solution. TWT has a formula not only for its success, but for the success of its clients as well. It all comes down to understanding their client's business, taking a strategic perspective and leveraging the right technology to deliver the highest business value. Of course, being a born in the cloud business and understanding how to fully utilize cloud solutions for business success certainly doesn’t hurt either. It's pretty clear Shawn and his team have taken care of that part.

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