The Challenge
Oswald knew that he needed to offer both types of customers a competitive UCaaS solution that was also easy for him to sell, provision, manage, and support. However, finding one proved to be more complicated.
Oswald explained: “I’ve found working with UCaaS providers such as RingCentral and 8x8 to be cumbersome and unnecessarily time-consuming. In a fast-moving market like UCaaS, time is critical as a prospect evaluates multiple providers. Success can often be about how quickly you demonstrate an understanding of the prospect’s needs, and the speed with which you can provide a solution.” Oswald paused, and continued, “But I want these customers for a long time, so I can’t just let speed of deployment drive my recommendations.”
Oswald had a lot of previous experience selling with Intermedia, so when the company rolled out Intermedia Unite®, he knew he had to find out more. Unite is a full-featured UCaaS solution with everything NWCC’s customers need (a feature-rich and mobile phone system, video conferencing, screen sharing and file management, all integrated into one seamless experience), backed by partner-first support every step of the way. “The Intermedia Unite certification courses gave us all the information we needed to take our unfair share of this big and broad market…in just a few hours,” said Oswald.