Intermedia Reseller, Jordan Associates, Proudly Puts Its Name on Intermedia Unite®

"With Intermedia, we’ve made the right choice for our customers who want the latest technology without complications."

The Background

Jordan Associates Integrated Systems was founded in 1987 with a focus on network security, and today provides end-to-end IT outsourcing services to small and medium-sized businesses throughout Long Island and the New York Metropolitan area. Their approach encompasses all things tech: “Let Jordan Associates handle your everyday IT chores while you tend to the business of doing business.”

Selling under the private label model, Jordan Associates partners with a variety of tech suppliers to create an IT service umbrella that includes everything from managed services and network design to disaster recovery and WAN acceleration.

Jordan first began working with Intermedia in 2014 in response to customer demand for Hosted Exchange services, but soon expanded into using Intermedia’s cloud-based phone solutions to replace their customers’ legacy, on-premises phone systems.

Jordan Associates

Company Profile:
Jordan Associates provides end-to-end IT outsourcing services to small and medium-sized businesses throughout Long Island and the New York Metropolitan area

Industry: Managed Service Provider

Headquarters: Long Island, New York

Intermedia’s customer since: 2014

The Challenge

Many of Jordan Associates’ long-time customers are struggling with aging phone systems that are weighing down their entire communications system. As these customers and their employees become more mobile and their methods of communication continue to evolve, the move to the cloud has become much more prevalent. They are relying on channel partners like Jordan Associates to help them make that move.

As a private label reseller of Intermedia’s products, Jordan Associates’ name is on the product, so product quality, dependability, and support are of paramount importance.  Because they have worked with some of their customers for more than three decades, Jordan Associates vigorously protects the strong brand expectations that they have worked so hard to build.

“If we’re selling a product under our name, we obviously have to be very confident in it,” explains Vice President of Operations Michael Sachs. “I’ve looked at other providers in the past and I’ve been involved with one or two initially before we found Intermedia. But I’m a big fan of finding a good product and working solely with that partner.”

Although their experience working with Intermedia’s hosted PBX provided the reliability, call quality, and terrific support, bringing on a complete Unified Communications solution was a whole new animal for them.

The Solution

As a cloud-based unified communication and collaboration platform, Intermedia Unite combines a next-generation, full-featured phone system with web/video conferencing, screen sharing, team chat, file management, and much more. Plus, with integrated desktop and mobile apps that allow for a seamless transition to the field or to the office, Jordan Associates’ customers now have an all-in-one solution that eliminates the need to cobble together a bunch of solutions, in order to deliver what Unite provides.

Sachs notes that he expected “growing pains” as Unite got going, but he hasn’t seen any. “I actually am very surprised,” he says. “From quoting to installation, this product is much, much easier to implement than even the original hosted PBX product that Intermedia was selling.”

While customers are drawn to Unite as a complete communications solution -- and are delighted both to save money, have the peace of mind that comes with a 99.999% uptime SLA, not to mention getting rid of the PBX box hanging on the wall or taking up space in the corner closet -- Sachs says one of Unite’s biggest selling points is the call flip feature.

“With the old systems, a customer can be stuck on a call with a client, unable to get out of the office,” he says. “But now they can move the call transparently to a mobile device and just keep talking. That can seal the deal right there.”

As an Intermedia partner, Sachs likes what he considers to be the best-in-class support and customer service, aggressive pricing to improve Jordan Associates’ margins, the easy implementation and seamless onboarding, and Intermedia’s lead generation that helps to expand his customer base.

Intermedia Unite makes it easy to go to my established customer base with aging phone systems and help them understand how flexible, secure, and reliable a cloud-based phone system can be.

Vice President of Operations, Jordan Associates Integrated Systems

Products They Use

The Results

“Unified communications is the way of the future,” Sachs says. “With Intermedia, we’ve made the right choice for our customers who want the latest technology without complications. Unite makes it easy to go to my established customer base with aging phone systems and help them understand how flexible, secure, and reliable a cloud-based phone system can be.”

Intermedia Unite, combined with Intermedia’s 360 degree approach to partner success -- which includes a full library of customizable materials; sales and technical support before, during, and after the sale; billing and taxation assistance; on-demand training; one intuitive point of admin control, and much more – enables Jordan Associates to offer a product their customers are looking for and helps them build and strengthen customer relationship and focus on growing their future.

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