How Georgia's 8th Judicial District administers justice using SecuriSync


Judicial court systems across the United States maintain order and law. And it’s Bob Nadekow’s role as the District Court Administrator to maintain the technology infrastructure to support the Eighth Judicial Administrative District of Georgia. This means providing support for the superior court judges and law clerks of the 27 districts that make up the Eighth District and stretch over 10,000 square miles across the state. “All of my end users are superior or juvenile court judges, secretaries, or law clerks,” says Nadekow.

The Eighth District has trusted Intermedia with their Exchange Email email for 7 years to support the district court judges and personnel. Any lull in uptime or performance can cause major problems for the District that would reverberate from the judges all the way down to the citizens that they serve. So Nadekow trusts Intermedia’s 99.999% uptime SLA to keep the District humming.

But, the Eighth District needed a way to share documents across their circuit, and Nadekow was in charge of finding a solution. Would his search prove to be a trial or a triumph?

Eighth Judicial Administrative District of Georgia

Company Profile:
The Eighth Judicial Administrative District is composed of Superior Court judges and senior judges from five judicial circuits across the state of Georgia. The District Office is responsible for budgeting and financial management

Industry: Legal Services

Headquarters: Georgia

Intermedia’s customer since: 2007

The Challenge

“We started looking initially because judges, law clerks and secretaries were as much as 45 miles apart, and they wanted to share their documents, edit and put them back up [to the cloud],” says Nadekow. “They asked me for a solution.”

Nadekow and his team looked at SharePoint Server and Dropbox to see if they would work. “Some judges were using Dropbox to share files. But Dropbox was really too slow and not dependable,” says Nadekow. “And we were nervous when Dropbox users started getting hacked, and stuff was being lost and passwords were being stolen.”

Plus, Nadekow had to solve a few challenges unique to the legal sector. “Judges wanted to share files with their secretaries and law clerks, but maybe not amongst other judges,” says Nadekow. “Judges also needed access to their files from anywhere, including in the courtroom.”

Nadekow needed to make a ruling on what to do for the Eighth District. So he decided to give Intermedia and our SecuriSync business-grade file sync and share solution a try. Would he judge SecuriSync the right solution?

The Solution

With SecuriSync, judges don’t have to interrupt a court session to grab files. “Instead of having to leave the bench, they can go ahead and pull out their iPad and look up the document they need,” says Nadekow.

Judges are also able to share files with who they want, and with the permission levels they choose. Group sharing and the simplicity of external sharing make SecuriSync the ideal tool. “The flexibility of setting up shares, and having administrative ability to see who can view files and make changes is majorly important,” says Nadekow.

Nadekow doesn’t seem to miss his old SharePoint Server or Dropbox’s low bandwidth speeds either. “I don’t have to worry about doing local backups or manage servers,” says Nadekow. “I’m confident with Intermedia’s 99.999% uptime.”

The ability for judges and clerks to also quickly check and revert files or restore deleted documents through SecuriSync has Nadekow ecstatic. “I would die without versioning,” laughs Nadekow. “Someone always hits the wrong button and deletes a document, but now I can say ‘wait a minute, hang on, here it is.’”

I don't have to worry about doing local backups or manage servers. I’m confident with Intermedia's uptime

BOB NADEKOW, District Court Administrator, Eighth Judicial Administrative District of Georgia,

Products They Use

The Results

SecuriSync has helped the judges and personnel of the Eighth District of Georgia access the files they need from wherever they are (including in the courtroom). SecuriSync has also allowed judges to set viewing and editing permissions on the files they share with law clerks. Overall, everyone has increased collaboration and sharing between remote locations.

SecuriSync was the right solution for the Eighth District of Georgia. They are now a more efficient and powerful District serving the people of the Eighth District of Georgia. Moving from stagnant solutions to SecuriSync has made Nadekow cheerful too: “We were happy when you came out with SecuriSync.” Hearing how SecuriSync improves the Eighth District makes us happy, too.

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